APRU Funded Registration for Ph.D. Students, Postdocs, and Early Career Academics

Thanks to the support from APRU, we are now able to offer a number of free registrations at early birds rate, as follows:

  • 24 free registrations for PhD students;
  • 14 free registrations for Postdocs and Early Career Academics.

Please check out the updated registration page in the conference website for information on the selection criteria for both categories.

Please encourage anyone among your network falling in the categories above to apply for the APRU-funded registrations.

In  light of the above, we are also extending the deadlines for joining the working groups and for the submission of PhD papers as follows:

  • The new deadline for full paper submission for PhD students is Sunday 20th September (NZ time);
  • The new deadline for the submission of Expression of Interest to join a working group is Wednesday 30th September.

For social media outlets to follow, access, and share:





Call for Student Submissions: Design Ideas Competition: Cities and Refugees

The APRU SCL is thrilled to announce a call for submissions for the Design Ideas Competition: Cities and Refugees. This is an ideas competition. The brief is to design a physical intervention/series of interventions that meaningfully improves the lives of refugees in the city, in the short, medium and/or long term.

For information: https://www.apruscl2019.org/studentcompetition

All students are invited to submit work for the Global Student Design Ideas Competition.

Globally some 60% of forcibly displaced people live in cities, a number which is as high as 90% in some countries. Refugees living in cities encounter a range of challenges. Design-only interventions have largely been unsuccessful, and the need for identifying ways to engage refugees in cities has never been greater.

The Cities and Refugees Competition is hosted by the Rapid Urbanisation Grand Challenge at UNSW (Sydney), with Australian Red Cross, ARUP International Development, United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR) and the Association of Pacific Rim Universities – Sustainable Landscapes and Cities Hub (APRU SCL).

The showcase of submitted work will be presented during a public-facing event at UNSW in Sydney, Australia during the APRU SCL Conference on August 30th, 2019. Winning schemes will be announced at this time.


  • First prize, US$5000
  • Second prize, US$2500
  • Third prize, US$1000
  • Three honourable mentions